Welcome to the kount-ris-python-sdk!

Kount Python RIS SDK

Contains the Kount Python SDK, tests, and build/package routines.

  1. What is this repository for?

    Contains sources, tests, and resources for the Kount Python SDK SDK version: 1.0.0 Python 2.7.13 and 3.5.3, 3.6.1

  2. How do I get set up?

pip install kount_ris_sdk
  1. How to run integration tests against the installed sdk library.

    First, you need to obtain configuration key from Kount.

    Download the source code from https://github.com/Kount/kount-ris-python-sdk

    Go to the root directory of the project and execute:

pip install .[test]

pytest tests --conf-key={KEY}
# or set shell environment
export CONF_KEY={KEY}
pytest tests

Running specific test:

pytest tests/test_file.py

For more verbosity and code coverage run the following:

pytest -s -v --cov=kount tests/
  1. Setting up IDE projects
  • Komodo IDE/Edit, Scite, Visual Studio - have automatic python integration
  1. Who do I talk to?

    1. Repo owner or admin
    2. Other community or team contact